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You will love the versatility of your new 360 Cookware. If you are using the Vapor® Cooking method, with a few slight alterations to your cherished healthy recipes, you will enjoy your favorite foods the way nature intended – with all the natural flavors and nutrients in tact.

1. Is 360 Cookware have any perfluoroalkyl, polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS in them?

No, 360 Cookware and Bakeware are free from any teflon coatings or chemicals such as PFAS, PFOS, PFOA and PTFE.

2. Is Vapor® Cooking suitable for frying or boiling an egg?

Absolutely. To fry, simply preheat your empty skillet on medium-low. Since eggs don’t release moisture or fat, after preheating you will add a small amount of butter, oil or cooking spray and fry as usual.

To boil an egg without water, place a wet paper towel in the bottom of a small pan. Insert 3 eggs (for starters) and place the lid on the unit. Cook on medium heat until a vapor seal is formed and the lid spins, then turn to low. With the cover on, cook for 13 - 15 minutes for hard eggs, 7 - 8 minutes for medium, and 5 minutes for soft. Remove the paper towel and pour cold water over eggs. Replace the cover and shake to crack the shells. Peel and serve. A special bonus – no greenish ring around the yoke!

3. Can I fry chicken without using grease?

Yes! Remove the skin from breasts or thighs. Preheat your utensil on medium (increase heat to medium-high if you like your chicken crispy). Place chicken in pan, meaty side down - do not overfill the skillet. Cook for a few minutes with the cover off to brown, then cook for 12-15 minutes with the cover on. You can turn the chicken once it has browned if desired but it is not necessary. Serve browned-side up.

4. What about cooking other meats?

Burgers, steaks, or pork chops come out moist and tasty using the same easy procedure as chicken.

For seafood recipes, use the same technique with a little less heat. If desired, add a little butter or extra virgin olive oil to taste. Fish dishes will cook up moist, flaky and tender every time.

For beef or pork roasts and wild game, preheat the pan on medium heat. Sear and brown on one side for 10 minutes with the cover off. Then add thickly sliced onions and/or other vegetables beneath the roast, cover with a lid and cook on low for 40-50 minutes.

Any meat entrée recipe will turn out moist and delicious in a fraction of the cooking time of conventional cookware – all without added oil, lard, or shortening!

5. Can I use Vapor® Cooking Technology to cook rice, pasta, vegetables, and beans?

360 Cookware makes cooking these foods easier than ever!

For rice, pour 1 3/4 cups of water and 1 cup of rice into a utensil - no need to bring water to a boil first. Place the utensil on medium heat and cover. When you see vapor escaping from the lid, turn to low and cook for 8 minutes, then remove from heat. Let utensils stand covered for 25-30 minutes. The rice will not overcook, and will turn out tender and fluffy every time! Tip: Add raisins and serve with milk and honey for a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Cook beans and pasta just like you always have, but in 30% less time using only medium to low heat! Because beans and pasta have no moisture, you will need to add water. But don’t worry about soaking those beans all night – 360 Cookware makes soaking a thing of the past! Now you can enjoy beans whenever you want them, without having to plan ahead.

For vegetables, fill your 360 Vapor® Cookware at least two-thirds full with cut veggies, cover and cook on medium heat until you see vapor escaping, then reduce the heat to low. Cook for about 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Allow to sit 10 minutes with the cover on and serve. Broccoli, carrots, brussel sprouts, turnips, fresh spinach, green beans and other veggies turn out fresh, crisp and delicious. Since kids often complain about veggies’ soggy texture, try serving them the crisp, colorful version instead!

6. Can I use my 360 Vapor® Cookware to bake?

Yes! 360 Cookware can be used on the range top for baking cakes and breads more conveniently and without the time and energy required to operate your oven.

Your Vapor® Cookware can also be used in the oven to bake at temperatures up to 500º F. Note: Cookware should not be placed in the oven during preheating or if the broiler is on.

7. Is 360 Cookware built to last?

Absolutely! 360 Cookware comes with a lifetime warranty. While standard cookware may wear out in about 10 years, we commonly receive letters from happy customers who have been using their cookware daily for 40 years or more.

8.  I’ve noticed blue and white spots on my cookware.  What causes these?

If you are witnessing white spots on your cookware, they are formed from the chemicals and minerals in your water.  Blue spots are formed if the cookware has been exposed to too much heat.  To clean either kind of spots and to give your cookware new luster, use a stainless steel cleaner and a dishcloth.

9. Can I cook my food with butter or oil?

Yes. With Vapor® Cooking, you won’t need it (except for stovetop baking, frying eggs, or searing fish), but if you want it you’ll find you need much less than you normally use. Begin with half the amount of oil or butter you usually cook with, or, try drizzling a robust extra virgin olive oil and a little fresh lemon juice over some just-cooked fish or chicken to “finish” your dish.

10.  Can I use liquid to cook my food?

Yes, but unless you’re cooking rice or boiling pasta, you’ll only need a splash of broth or wine for flavor. To prove our point, try our recipe for waterless hard-cooked eggs.

11.  If 360 is fat-free why do some recipes call for butter or oil?

We call for extra virgin olive oil or butter only for adding flavor

12.  Can I put 360 in the oven?

360 Cookware is oven safe up to 500º.

13.  How do I sear fish?

With a few exceptions (as with some specific 360 recipes), fish is too lean to sear without some form of oil to prevent sticking.  We recommend lightly spraying the pan with non-stick cooking spray or using a teaspoon of olive oil before searing.

14.  Can I bake on the stovetop with 360?

360 Cookware conducts heat so efficiently that you can bake in it right on your stovetop. Most recipes call for lightly spraying the cookware with non-stick cooking spray and for cooking in a cold pan.

15.  How do I clean burnt-on foods?

Thanks to the highest-quality, American-made, T304 surgical stainless steel we use to line all our cookware, 360 Cookware is amazingly easy to clean — no matter how burnt-on foods appear to be. A soapy scrubber sponge is usually sufficient but if your mess is particularly stubborn, pour ¼ cup of water in the pan and heat it over medium heat, stirring up the burnt bits with a wooden spoon. Pour off the hot water then use a wet sponge and very thick paste of water and Americraft Stainless Steel Cleaner, baking soda or your favorite stainless steel cleanser.

16.  I’m cooking on low heat but my food is still burning. How low do I have to go?

Some stovetops run hotter than others no matter how low you go. We recommend purchasing an inexpensive flame tamer or cooking on one of the rear burners which typically use fewer BTUs.

17.  My lid is stuck on my pan. How do I remove it?

Don’t panic — a vacuum has formed between your lid and pan and is easily released by placing the pan over low heat for a few seconds.

18.  My lid is stuck to my counter. How do I remove it?

A vacuum has formed between the hot lid and the cold countertop.  Wet a kitchen towel in the hottest water you can stand, ring it out and lay it over the lid for a minute or two. Once the stainless lid warms up you should be able to lift it off easily.

19.  I'm new to cooking with Stainless Steel. What's the best way to clean it?

White or light-colored stains are due to mineral deposits from certain foods. Use baking soda or a stainless steel cleaner and make a gritty paste. Work over the area to remove any stuck on stains. All of our items are also dishwasher safe. For stuck on food, you can add soapy water or a mixture of white vinegar & water to your pan and reheat over medium to help loosen any burnt on food.